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the love of your life

Sometimes, we may love the other more than anything, but this love is no longer enough. In the eyes of others, it seems incomprehensible, to our heart, it is even less so. Loving is not always enough because one can love and suffer. If for some, it goes hand in hand, for others, it is better to stop and the break becomes inevitable. Here are the reasons that justify your breakup and that are stronger than your love.

1/ He doesn’t love you the way you love him (the love of your life)

He loves you, well at least, he tells you from time to time but you don’t really feel it. In any case, he no longer loves you as you used to, you always have the impression that you will lose him, that you miss him while he is in the same room as you. You have the feeling of making a lot of effort, much more than him! You feel alone trying to save your relationship.

Do I still like it?

You talk about it around you, your loved ones tell you that it is “normal” that it is “habit, routine”, but this indifference of your man in front of you hurts you too much, and this is a reason enough to say stop to a relationship that can turn into a nightmare. The couple is not made to play the executioner and the victim…


2/ Addiction problems

A man or woman who has addiction problems (alcohol, drugs, gambling…) can harm you. Do not try to be his nurse, you gave of yourself, you thought you could save him but nothing changes. He promises you with each breakup that he will stop but he resumes more beautiful in secret, until you catch him in flagrante delicto. (the love of your life)

He is also suffering but you can’t do anything until he decides to get treatment. If you are no longer happy and exhausted from fighting against a wall, you are right to make that decision.

3/ You can’t love him the way he loves you

It is the opposite of the first point: you love him, it is undeniable, you have a deep affection for him and you do not hide it. But he, he loves you like crazy, he multiplies the little love attentions, he always questions himself every time you reproach him, he positions himself almost as a victim, which gives you a role and a strange and uncomfortable position. You love him, but you can’t stand his suffocating love anymore. You have nothing to reproach him but you feel that your story cannot continue like this.

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We all know the famous phrase that we consider hypocritical namely “you deserve better than me”. In this case, this sentence is real, if you are not or no longer able to give him the love he deserves and the reciprocity he expects, then leave. The reproaches will fall on you one day or another. This person must not be a lifeline.


4/ You are no longer happy in your relationship (the love of your life)

Your man is the ideal son-in-law, the perfect friend for your friends, he meets all the criteria of Prince Charming and yet… It no longer makes you happy.

You don’t even have the words to explain in a concrete way what bothers you, but one thing is certain: you no longer have a sexual desire for him, you no longer want to spend time together, you don’t even really want to be cuddled by his arms anymore.

This reason is more than enough! Others may tell you that it is not enough, you are the only one to know what makes you really happy and if, for several months, you feel discomfort in your relationship and you have the feeling of being unhappy with it, then your choice is the right one!

5/ You no longer trust him

All your friends tell you that he is a faithful man and that he is madly in love with you, yet you no longer trust him for reasons that are yours for maybe even for reasons that you do not know yourself. You have a hunch, inexplicable, but real.


If before, when he went out in a club without you, it did not bother you, today you sincerely wonder what he is doing there and doubt him. You have already tried to explain to him but he does not understand your allusions and your mistrust persists.

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You have the feeling that your relationship no longer has a solid foundation, the foundation, which was trust. Even if you love it very much and this feeling is reciprocal, your couple no longer makes you happy and you become almost paranoid. This is reason enough to want to leave or, less radically, take a break.

6/ You deceived him (the love of your life)

You have committed the irreparable, you have gone elsewhere and you blame yourself enormously. You’ve asked yourself the question 1000 times: should I tell him or not? If you tell him, you take the risk that he will leave forever and have a huge grudge against you.

If you don’t tell him, you’re ongoing from the inside. It is this second option that you have chosen for the moment and you can no longer cope. You realized that you loved him more than you imagined after making this “misstep” and you can no longer look him in the eye.


It’s up to you to make the right choice: either you fully assume and you tell him (something I advise you against because it is putting on him the weight you currently carry in you), or you assume in the sense that you draw a line, a real one, on this adultery and you go forward without turning around, either the guilt is too strong and you prefer to leave.

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7/ He deceived you

He deceived you, and you know it. He chose honesty and revealed his adultery to you. The problem is that although you have forgiven him, you no longer trust him. You can no longer project yourself into the future and everything brings you back to this story. You can’t move on and you realize that you have finally failed to pass the sponge and forgive him. (the love of your life)

8/ Problems of violence

He is violent. He promises you every time that it was “the last” and that “never again will he do it again”… Until the next one! You are afraid, yet you continue to love him. Be careful, if your man is violent, do not feel guilty about leaving him! You’ve already tried, he came back with gifts and tears in your eyes but you’re not a pouching ball and you certainly don’t have to endure that! Even if you know that the breakup promises to be complicated, go all the way!

9/ It has changed

I often repeat on this site that you should never try to change the other! And persists! On the other hand, it is possible that the other changes, on its own! We grow, we mature, we age, habits change, interests and desires too.


You no longer recognize yourself in him now? Is he too far from the person you loved? This reason is enough, because, if you are no longer in love with him but with the person he once was, it is better to stop everything.

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10/ You can’t imagine the future with him

He is the perfect man, you thought you were good with him, for life and everything and everything. But in the end, you are unable to project yourself with him. You have such divergent visions of the future: politics, child-raising, marriage or not… Everything opposes you and it really does not reassure you. (the love of your life)

In fact, you even ask yourself the question “do I really want to make my life with him?” He may not be the man of your life as you could have imagined and, even if you have lived wonderful moments together, that you can never forget, today you want stability and to be with a man with whom you can project yourself into the future.


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