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signs of emotional manipulation

How to find the complicity of the beginnings in his couple? Over time, the couple relationship changes. We move away, we communicate less, we get angry. Yet we still love ourselves… So how to put your couple back on track and find the complicity and laughter that made us fall in love?

Has it never happened to you that a friend of yours comes out with a man you can’t stand? You could see a thousand miles away that this man was toxic, bad, devious but you were unable to convince her. If you insisted, she reminded you that you yourself had been int into absolute fools and that you could keep your advice.

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In reality, it’s very easy to spot emotional manipulation when it’s about people you love, but professionals say it’s hard to spot the puppeteer pulling your own strings.



Here are 6 signs to recognize emotional manipulation:

1/ The relationship is intense or even fusional

Manipulation in romantic relationships often involves facilitating an intense and passionate connection that sets the stage for trying to keep control. Hence the danger of fusional couples…

Keeping relational partners in confusion and disorientation and distracting them with fantasies about what is to come or about the good times past is a common tactic employed by manipulative and abusive partners.

2/ You have a fear of abandonment

It is important to know that manipulated people may begin to doubt their reality, to feel uncertainty or a certain fear.


Many victims may view signs of emotional manipulation as normal exchanges in a relationship. Wondering how to make a difference? Tell yourself that if there is fear, then it is unhealthy and then there is manipulation. If you are afraid that you will be harmed or that you will be left, there is a problem.

3/ You have the feeling that something is wrong

It is important to listen to your instincts. Unless you are paranoid, if you have a knotted belly and a tight throat in contact with it is that there is a good chance that you will be manipulated. You constantly feel insecure. The purpose of manipulation is to keep control over you, and making you feel bad about yourself can be a way for manipulators to exercise their power over you. They use your weaknesses against you.

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4/ They want you to depend on them

If you have no one else to turn to, it’s easier for the manipulator to control you. This is why attempts at isolation or extreme emotional co-dependency can be a sign of manipulation. Because, by being emotionally dependent, they will have absolute power over you.

signs of emotional manipulation

5/ They constantly compare you to others.

Comparing yourself to others can be a form of manipulation. Indeed, this comparison is designed to evoke feelings of inadequacy and competition.


6/ Manipulators keep you away from your loved ones

Watch for ingratitude behaviours or other attempts to be seen in a favourable light, as this is often a deliberate attempt to increase isolation between the victim and their support system by creating the illusion of doubt. For example: The first person to write “Happy Birthday! to your mom on social media can’t be a manipulative or abusive person, right? false! Print management is a daily effort for the manipulator, who works hard for others to love him as a shield.

signs of emotional manipulation

The tactics used by the manipulators:

  • Gaslighting, that is to say make you doubt your reality.
  • Constantly changing the rules of the game, so that stated objectives or rules of engagement are constantly changing.
  • Demand intense loyalty or secrecy
  • Force you to hide important news from the people you love.
  • The pressure to never share the reality of difficulties outside the relationship.
  • Inconsistent communication flows, including ghosting, omission lies, and selective memory.
  • Refusal to compromise
  • Always speak in absolute terms, without ever leaving room for compromise.
  • Lack of empathy
  • Dehumanizing words or behavior’s
  • Minimizing the distress of others
  • Create situations that benefit only one side (his own).
  • Selfishness and a lot of “I”.
  • Mood swings, that is, very emotional highs and depressive lows.
  • The bombardment of love, that is, being excessively charming and giving excessive positive attention, including offering sumptuous gifts and praising in public.
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signs of emotional manipulation: how to deal with a manipulator?

1/ Set limits

Define the limits of acceptable behaviour towards you and declare the types of treatment you will not tolerate. Be sure to set only limits that you are willing to respect. Otherwise, you’re just teaching a violent person that they just have to push harder to get what they want.

2/ Be prepared to walk away.

If your partner is willing to respect your limits and meet you from a place of mutual respect and compromise, the relationship can potentially move forward, as long as you both avoid repeating toxic behaviors that will trigger old patterns. If there is a lack of will on the part of your partner, then you can start to reimagine your life outside of the relationship.

3/ Strengthen your ties with your healthy relationships

Reconnect with a support system outside the manipulator. Refuse to be emotionally isolated again. Wrap yourself in stable and loving relationships with family and friends. If they have also been acquired in the positive image of your partner, consider reconnecting with old friends who have not yet met your partner. Or make new friends by indulging in a hobby or sport that will allow you to interact with another circle of people.


4/ Stay true to your instincts.

When someone dear to you mistreats you, it makes no sense and can be extremely confusing. Stay true to your instincts. Decide which course of action is best for your physical, emotional and psychological health, whether by defending yourself in the relationship or by moving away. Know that love and spirit games do not mix well.


5/ Work with a professional.

Help may be sought through a licensed and trained clinical social worker, therapist, psychologist, psychotherapist and/or psychiatrist. With the help of a professional, you (and possibly your partner, if willing to do the work with you) can learn new communication tools – such as the use of open-ended questions and non-guilty language – to improve dialogue and build a culture of respect for the ideas of the other.

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