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How to ask your girlfriend for forgiveness

Men and women do not function in the same way. Their differences in thoughts and behaviors will automatically create a questioning in the communication of the couple. The book “Men come from Mars and women from Venus” can help you find the answers to your questions. When you have committed one or more mistakes and you have to ask your girlfriend for forgiveness, you have to know how to do it and especially know what not to do. In this article, I will give you the 5 rules to ask for forgiveness.


How to ask forgiveness from your girlfriend?

1. Wait (How to ask your girlfriend for forgiveness)

When anger takes essence inside us we want to break everything in an instant! This feeling of having been betrayed causes in us a feeling of dismay and sadness. Anger remains inside people for an undetermined time, which is why it must be waited until it flies away for calm to return. Talking to an angry person will only serve to fan the fire that is in him, so we must wait and let calm return.


To ask forgiveness from his girlfriend, it will be necessary to let time pass so that his anger can subside.

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2. Talk

Few men need to speak like women. They tend to let things run by thinking that the solution to the problem will come by itself. This is a mistake, because talking helps to unravel the knots of problems. Dialogue is the only way to find a link with a person who was thought to be lost.

To ask forgiveness from his girlfriend, it will be necessary to speak to her with the heart while being sincere and true.

3. Prove (How to ask your girlfriend for forgiveness)

Words are good, but deeds are better! You will have to show that you are a trustworthy person who has the ability to change and question yourself. Forgiveness takes time, because it must take over the feeling of betrayal. That’s why it’s important to prove that you’re a person who deserves a second chance.


To ask forgiveness from his girlfriend, you will have to prove that you have changed.

4. See

As time passes you will be able to observe a change in your girlfriend. She will realize that you deserve her trust again. You will have a second chance and you will be able to build again alongside him.

To ask forgiveness from his girlfriend, we will have to see if the changes you have put in place have borne fruit and that she is ready to move forward again at your side.

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5. Write him a letter

Even if it is not an obligation strictly speaking, writing a letter to ask your girlfriend for forgiveness, showing her that you have really taken a step back on the situation and above all, that you have understood your mistakes, is a very good thing. She will be able to read and reread this letter that attests to your change (even more so if you are not used to writing!). This one will prove your love for her and touch her enormously.


When you have done the wrong thing, it is important to take the time to ask for forgiveness. This simple gesture is the beginning of a reconciliation ,because it shows that you are ready to question yourself. As time passes, your girlfriend will eventually open the door of her heart so that you are happy together again.

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