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Do we hate to love or do we love to hate? See the anti-heroes of soap operas

In pop culture it is common not to talk only about villains and heroes, but also about those characters who are in the gray area and transit between the two sides: the anti-heroes, who often have good intentions, but are capable of anything to conquer their hearts. goals.


Lumiar (Carolina Dieckmann) in "go in faith"
Lumiar (Carolina Dieckmann) in “Vai na Fé” – Photo: TV Globo/João Miguel Júnior

The most beloved anti-heroine in soap operas at the moment is certainly Lumiar (Carolina Dieckmann) from “Vai na Fé”, which begins the TV Globo plot married to Benjamin (Samuel de Assis) and in an alternating routine between a law firm, the college where she teaches and the house where she lives with her husband.

Even though it seems like a standard routine, the lawyer enjoys the life she leads, as she grew up with parents who adopted a more alternative lifestyle, and she did not identify with them, loving being in the big city, despite having suffered to fit in, until getting close to Ben in college.


However, this base of security that she built in her husband ends up taking questionable actions when Sol (Sheron Menezzes) reappears in the lawyer’s life, directly and indirectly. She invented an insurance company to pay the victims and prevent Ben from talking to Sol; she didn’t take his criminal review project to the ICAES, among other attitudes that caused a lot of talk!

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Later, when everything was discovered, Ben moved away from Lumiar and left the house. She had her world collapsed, to the point of taking refuge with her parents for a few days and, at the moment, she gives in to Theo’s (Emilio Dantas) wishes.

Lumiar made a mistake, he made decisions that a rational and cold person doesn’t usually make, and ironically, he lost his love trying to keep it. However, it made her close to viewers, who identified, and a legion of fans was established.


Félix (Mateus Solano) in Amor à Vida
Félix (Mateus Solano) in Amor à Vida – Photo: TV Globo/Zé Paulo Cardeal

Lumiar was a great example, wasn’t it? But what if we talk about a case in which the character started out as a villain, but at the end of the soap opera he was one of the most beloved of all? This was exactly the case with Félix (Mateus Solano) in “Amor à Vida”, also on TV Globo.

At the beginning of the plot, quite vile and envious, the administrator of the San Magno hospital even kidnapped the daughter of Paloma (Paolla Oliveira), her sister, and threw the child in the garbage dumpster, preventing the girl from having ties with her biological mother. and, let’s face it, leaving the little girl to die, until Bruno (Malvino Salvador) rescued her.


Throughout the telenovela, Félix was capable of anything to be the president of his father’s hospital, however, his charisma and mocking humor conquered the public, and captivated the viewers a lot, not to mention that we began to understand a lot where the inner fury of the father came from. villain who made him act that way.

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He was despised by his father, César (Antônio Fagundes), mainly because Félix was homosexual, and prejudice ended up keeping them apart throughout their lives, and deep down, the administrator just wanted recognition from his father.

Were your actions wrong? Yes, criminal ones, but he paid for his mistakes and took on all of them, earning him a great redemption arc in “Amor à Vida”.


Gui (Vladimir Brichta) in "rock story"
Gui (Vladimir Brichta) in “Rock Story” – Photo: TV Globo/Cesar Alves

The most striking is when he goes to take satisfaction with Léo Régis (Rafael Vitti), accusing the young pop idol of having stolen his song, “Sonha Comigo”, and attacks him in public, being abandoned by his wife Diana (Alinne Moraes) and losing the support of his father-in-law, Gordo (Herson Capri), who owns his record label.

Also, he had a son Zac (Nicolas Prattes) in the past, the result of a relationship with a fan, and he never got close to the boy, who gets arrested at the beginning. It is at this point that the character is practically at rock bottom because of his attitudes.


But that’s where the key lies: even Gui doing stupidity after nonsense, he realized that he needed to reorganize himself, captivating the public with his changes and ways of starting life over, which led him to rise again over the course of history.

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Commander José Alfredo (Alexandre Nero) in "Empire"
Commander José Alfredo (Alexandre Nero) in “Império” – Photo: TV Globo/João Miguel Júnior

In “Império”, but once on TV Globo, José Alfredo (Alexandre Nero) had all the ingredients to be an exemplary good guy: he started from the bottom, poor, until he fought and built an empire of jewels, even receiving the nickname of commander .

However, his attitudes were far from being an example, after all, he grew up in life being capable of anything to conquer what he wanted (look at the anti-hero synthesis here!), even if he had to deal and kill for that. By the way, he also cheats on his wife, Maria Marta (Lilia Cabral), with Maria Isis (Marina Ruy Barbosa). Not to mention his biggest lie: faking his own death.

However, the businessman had several attitudes that flirted “with the good side of the force” at the same time, and even if the betrayal was unjustifiable, many thought that Maria Marta “was boring to deal with”, and even doing it the totally wrong way, Zé Alfredo indeed seemed to love Maria Isis, trusting her until his false death.

The climax occurred in the final chapter, when José Pedro (Caio Blat), son of the Commander, has already revealed himself to be the great villain of the final stretch, and even kills the patriarch with a cowardly shot in the back, even though he is willing to settle down. with all its family concerns.



Rooster (Jackson Antunes) and Maíra (Sophie Charlotte) in "All Flowers"
Galo (Jackson Antunes) and Maíra (Sophie Charlotte) in “Todas as Flores” – Photo: TV Globo/Estevam Avellar

Let’s close the list with the telenovela “Todas as Flores”, which is receiving weekly chapters by Globoplay, and features several characters who walk through the gray area of ​​morality for the most varied reasons.

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Maíra (Sophie Charlotte), the great protagonist, started the soap opera as the great girl, who was sweet, sweet and willing to trust people. However, after being betrayed by Zoé (Regina Casé) and Vanessa (Letícia Colin), her mother and sister, respectively, Maíra developed a hatred within herself for them, and the second part of the soap opera focuses on her revenge.

For this, she even became a child trafficker to find her son, Rivaldinho, kidnapped by his own grandmother, and dismantle the criminal scheme so that the mother would run out of money by losing “space in the business”, even if she could only ask for help. from the former Rafael (Humberto Carrão), to investigate with her. However, the hurt she holds for him has turned to pride.

She may not have the intention of trafficking the children, she even wants to return them to their parents, but it is still a crime, and she was even arrested in the most recent batch of chapters because of it. But her primary intention is not actually to traffic the children, and deep down she just wants to take revenge on her former family members and move on with her life.

And you, do you remember any other anti-hero or character who walks in the “gray area of ​​morality”? What’s your favorite from this list?

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Do we hate to love or do we love to hate? See the anti-heroes of soap operas

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