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signs that you have found the perfect man

Sometimes we do not realize that we have come across a rare pearl and that we have at our side a great man, a perfect man (or almost)! So here are 9 signs that you have found the perfect man. Quick tip: Keep it warm this one!

Ps: If you want to know if you found the perfect WOMAN, read instead our article 9 signs that prove that you found the perfect woman.

Staying in a couple out of habit: the 7 signs that prove that this is your case

1/ It makes you laugh

In a couple, the importance of laughter is enormous! To laugh is to be accomplices and to be accomplices is the essential element of a lasting and fulfilling relationship.


In fact, in the scientific journal Personal Relationships, an American researcher at the University of North Carolina, Laura Kurtz, explains that she has always been fascinated by the influence of laughter in the couple. She asked 77 straight couples, together for an average of four years, to recount their encounter. The researcher and her team analyzed these exchanges and the number of spontaneous laughs of each couple. She explained: “Generally speaking, the couples who laughed the most benefited from a quality relationship. Shared laughter is a good indicator of the type of relationship we share.”

So if your man makes you laugh on a daily basis, it starts very well!

2/ He supports you in the trials (signs that you have found the perfect man)

Love is not just laughter with a wide throat and I love you on the pillow. It is also, and even above all, to support oneself in the trials. Whether it is a depression to manage in the couple, a bereavement of one of the partners, a loss of a job . A man who truly loves you will be by your side in his trials that are extremely difficult to overcome.

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It will not let you down at the slightest obstacle quite the contrary. He will prove to you that you can count on Him, both in words and in deeds. You will find near him comfort and also concrete solutions to help you get better.


3/ He trusts you and proves that you can trust him

The perfect man trusts you. It is not a possessive jealous who constantly asks you who you were with, where you were, what time you return… It leaves you free because it trusts you 100%. He does not doubt him, you or your couple.

He lets you go out with your friends whether for dinners or dance parties, he does not rummage through your phone… In short, he lets you live because what matters most to him is to see you happy.

4/ He doesn’t just tell you words, he acts! (signs that you have found the perfect man)

The words, the words, the words… Toujoouurs the sameess! And yes, it’s all well and good to say pretty things, to promise mountains and wonders. But what is the point if they are ONLY words?

If your man is a “perfect” man, deeds will come before words! Too bad if he is not very expressive, the important thing is to see his love in his actions. Is he still there for you? Does he help and support you on a daily basis? Does it surprise you? That’s for sure, you’ve found the rare gem!


5/ He is for equality

It may seem silly to say this in the 21st century. Unfortunately, far too many men still think backwardly that it is up to women to take care of household chores, children, cooking.

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Others say they are in favour of equal tasks in words but in deeds, let their wives do everything. A good man will take the lead to participate in the tasks, will not wait for you to remind him twelve times to do the dishes or spread the laundry. He will respect you and your time.

6/ In bed, it totally fills you (signs that you have found the perfect man)

We are not going to lie, complicity in bed in a couple is an essential basis for both partners to be fulfilled within their relationship. You can also read our article on how to fight the routine in bed.

The perfect man will therefore fill you in bed: you have the same desires, he knows you by heart and knows exactly how to make you rise to the seventh heaven.


7/ He has no trouble communicating

He knows just like you how communication in the couple is the basis of everything! When things don’t go well between you, he doesn’t hesitate to talk calmly about what’s wrong and how you could fix things.

He is not the type to run away from home as soon as the tone rises. On the contrary, he wants to fix things and does everything in his power to understand you and your relationship.

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8/ It pulls you up (signs that you have found the perfect man)

Unlike a narcissistic pervert, the perfect man will NEVER seek to demean you. He will always talk about you in a positive way. It will make you an even better person.

He will do everything possible to pull you up by helping you both personally and professionally. He will want to see you succeed and will do everything possible to ensure that you achieve your goals and realize your dreams.


9/ With him, you never get bored

One of the most important points. Boredom as a couple can become deadly. Boredom is also at the origin of this question that bothers many: Is it love or habit?

Whether you have been in a relationship with your man for 1 year or 15 years, with him you never get bored. Even when you watch the most rotten movie in the world on your couch, you absolutely do not feel boredom. Because you’re just happy with him.

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