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Love or friendship? Signs that do not deceive

We often feel lost in a relationship that does not have a name: is it love? Friendship? How can we differentiate between the two? Love or Friendship? This questioning sounds on our doorstep as a permanent question that makes us doubt ourselves and our true desires.

It is important to be able to differentiate the two, because we are talking here about two very distinct worlds that cannot mix under penalty of making you lose your mind, as well as … a lot of time and tears poured.



Love or friendship? Why should we differentiate between love and friendship?

Quite simply because the purpose is not the same.

What is unconditional love and what does it really mean?

Friendship is a sincere feeling between two people who are there to listen to each other, to understand each other and to help each other overcome the torments of life. We are not going to have the same degree of tolerance with a friend or a lover. Friendship remains a moment of pleasure and joy otherwise it would go to other horizons.

Love is there to go towards a path: that of union. (Love or friendship? Signs that do not deceive)

In love, we will take it upon ourselves, make concessions, learn to change and evolve together. You will learn to look in the same direction with the person who will be your companion on the road and who will reveal to yourself as the most beautiful wonder in the world.

The fate of one is not like that of the other.

Indeed, friendship tolerates absences, infidelities and disappointments. The friend must make his way and understand to move forward. Love is a combination of two people who do and think together to move forward and found


How do you know if it’s friendship or love?

You regularly rub shoulders and share incredible moments, yet it does not progress and you ask yourself the question: is it love or friendship? A romantic relationship can start with friendship, as it will allow you to get to know the person better.

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As time passes, it is obvious that you must see requests or changes in behaviors from your love friend.

If this person continues to see you without giving you the feeling that they want to be more open to you: that is friendship. In this case, you must position yourself quickly so as not to suffer more than reason and make a choice. Know that if your relationship lasts for a few weeks, or even a few months, and nothing moves: it is that nothing will ever move! So either you accept or you decide to start from this relationship. The most valuable advice I can give you is to NEVER HOPE for a third person’s change. That would simply be wasted time. Especially when the romantic friendship is not reciprocal!

Love or friendship? Signs that do not deceive

How do you know if it’s love?

The premises of love are felt quite quickly. Seduction is quickly set up by various behaviors:

  • the various and varied attentions,
  • gifts without warning,
  • long conversations on the phone,
  • poetic and fiery messages,

Love takes time, but in any case begins with a seduction that will consist in showing the other that one is THE right person. Love is a timid feeling at first and which becomes stronger and stronger by the evidence of promises of a future combined with the plural.

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Why shouldn’t love become friendship?

Because in 90% of cases, there is one of the two protagonists who will morfler! Friendship is accepted out of hope of a new bond that could unite two separate souls. If you are in this situation: run away! Do not sell your heart for crumbs, because friendship will not give you anything! You will be in the hope and expectation of a tomorrow that will never exist.

The point to remember is that the friendship is actually quite clear, because it takes place in the present moment. Love is a feeling that requires an investment in the future. The two do not combine at the same time and this is probably their biggest difference! I advise you to listen to your heart, because it always has the answers to questions. Doubt sets in when you tend to use your brain to rationalize. But feelings cannot be rationalized, because they originate in the heart. Listen to yourself and you will see that your world will change.

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