Talking about rules with your boyfriend

by Clare Dominic
Talking about rules with your boyfriend
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Talking about rules with your boyfriend

Recently, I realize that this is a question that bothers you ladies: how to talk rules with my boyfriend? I have my period, do I have to tell him? Can I have sex if I have my period? In short, your period, this monthly ordeal, stimulates your brain and you no longer know where to. It is true that in the article “10 things to never reveal to your guy”, I had mentioned the ragnagnas. It wasn’t about never expressing yourself on this topic, just avoiding letting your tampax compak hang out in your friend’s bathroom. You would not like to go into the toilet after he has been there and see that the flush has not been drawn? The same goes for you. It is only a question of respect for the other, and it is not a question of the article… So I’m getting into this delicate subject; female indisposition.


Difficult subject, why?

Because menstruation is nothing more than a flow of blood, and blood, it disgusts, it’s scary, it stains the sheets. In addition, we are forced to clog them until menopause, no way to get rid of them (unless you play with your pill, something I will not recommend). Our period is a bit of a part of us, it’s also one or two days of ventral pain, a week of irritability, permanent discomfort, a (small) week of say. Yet, for some, menstruation causes a real peak of carnal desire, generated by hormonal change. (Talking about rules with your boyfriend)

It is also a difficult subject because men do not have the chance to know intrinsically this sublime hormonal phenomenon. This is a subject that is unknown to them. They know what knows, scientifically speaking, but they do not know the feeling, the pain, the annoyance present at a party where we absolutely must find a toilet to go change tampon. So, inevitably, girls are a little afraid to discuss the subject with their boyfriend because, it does not go of itself. Yet this is how nature wanted to constitute us, and men have always lived well with it, so not enough to make a whole hay, frankly.

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Talk about it or not talk about it? (Talking about rules with your boyfriend)

It is clear that addressing this subject when you have been with your boyfriend for a week is not easy. But why should you talk about this after a week, by the way? I mean, you’re not going to come up smiling and shouting “my love, I have my period today” or worse, “have you ever seen a tampon soaked in blood? Look! ». In short, I will pass you the details, I do not think that my readers are tared, well I hope! On the other hand, if you have undertaken to have sex with your friend, and the time is unwelcome, that the arrival of your period has been faster than expected, it becomes natural to address the subject. Talking about it is the way to know if your friend is disgusted by the thing,to know if, on the contrary, it does not bother him at all: “you have your period? So what? I still want you me”, to know if it bothers you, to make love knowing that the blood will be at the rendezvous …

Don’t be afraid to talk about this topic. If your friend starts touching you when you know perfectly well that “the English have landed”, gently tell him that you think this is not the time, that “Zoe is at home” and that you seriously doubt that the time is right for the hug of the century. After, if you both want to have sex despite this little unexpected, love during menstruation is totally allowed!

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The finished assholes (Talking about rules with your boyfriend)

Sorry for this rude title but I have no other terms than this one to address these guys totally devoid of tact. To tell you about them, I’m just going to tell you the story that happened to a friend of mine a few years ago now.

Margaux was madly in love with Vincent, she was beginning to discover the veiled universe of intimate life with him. Still a virgin, they took their time. The foreplay was in the pocket. Vincent seemed to respect her. And then that day came, after one or two months of relationship, now they both found themselves in Vincent’s bed… While Margaux had his period. She tells him, to avoid any misunderstanding. But Môssieur, very excited, asked him to box, just to be able to tame something during the branlette, logic … Margaux executed out of desire.

Except that sometimes we do not control everything, and, despite his big sanitary napkin supposed to act as a diaper, a few drops of blood appeared on the sheet. And there… it is the CATASTROPHE. As a rule, either the two partners have fun, even if the girl is a little ashamed (normal, dirtying the sheets is not the best but good …), or the girl is hyper embarrassed and the guy puts her in confidence by telling her that it does not matter, that these are things that happen. (Talking about rules with your boyfriend)

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But then, in the case of my friend… Vincent yelled at her, calling her (I quote): “big disgusting sow”, I still remember it, that’s to say. He set her on fire with more vulgar insults than the others, for a simple reddish task. He left her like a mess. I still remember it because she called me right after, in tears. And she took a long time to recover, thinking she was the disgusting of history, thinking she deserved her humiliating sentence. In short, this guy, this Vincent, was and surely still is “a finished asshole”.

If you have the misfortune to come across a dirty guy of his kind, run away! Run away right away! Who are you to deserve such treatment? Who is he to demean you to this point? Respect yourself above all! True, it is normal to be sorry, you did not do it on purpose, you feel uncomfortable. Yes okay, but you didn’t want it, you didn’t, willingly, scatter your blood on the mattress. No one has the right to treat you like this.

Disgust with blood (Talking about rules with your boyfriend)

Well, even if it’s a little annoying, we can’t blame them. Blood completely puts off these gentlemen, and really, your period, they don’t want to know more. These ones, we spot them quite easily; when you have your ragnagnas it does not touch you, no caresses, niet, even if you have a tampon with a sanitary towel, even if you have just taken a shower… No, no, no, for them, the rules are simply dirty. We cannot really blame them. It’s like you have a real problem with smells and your guy is letting go of bed… You wouldn’t stand it either. You have to deal with it. Only if your friend respects you. Otherwise, your friend is a “finite asshole” (see above).

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The “je-m’en-foutistes”

The last category (and the best in my opinion), men for whom menstruation, blood and all tralalala is an integral part of the woman and do not put them off for anything in the world. They’d rather have sex while you’re menstruating than do without intercourse under the duvet. After that, it’s up to you, whether it bothers you or not. Discuss it together, there is nothing better than communication for these delicate subjects. In any case, I repeat that love during menstruation is not dangerous. Nothing prevents you from flourishing during this period of disorder, except because of a psychological problem (because, as I said, blood is not obvious to everyone), or physiological (if you have a stomach ache, the better your abstain!).

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