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Causes of divorce
Divorce… Vast question, trauma and mourning of his past love, self-reconstruction, emptiness… So many words that come to mind when we say this word. Divorce, just like a breakup in love, requires a real work of self-reconstruction. When you have lived together, for two, for years of living together and suddenly, you have to learn to live alone with the demons of the past… Everything goes hayd up! But why do we get divorced? What are the reasons that lead us to break the (powerful) bond of marriage?
Causes of divorce
One study surveyed married couples and others divorced. Let’s take a closer look at the answers of the respondents!
- Infidelity: Married or not, couples would divorce for this reason in 33% of cases! A huge percentage and not that surprising. In this type of case, we can speak of divorce for fault since we accuse the other of the failure of the marriage.
- Selfishness:
The second reason would be the selfishness of the spouse, his lack of consideration for the other. When one of the two partners no longer feels supported, there comes a time when the romantic relationship based on reciprocity simply no longer has any place. (14%)
- The character: The character changes and sometimes, after marriage, the changes show up faster than expected. When we take the other for granted, we feel less need to make efforts to please him, which can lead to drama. (14%)
- Abusive behaviour: Causes of divorce
Jealousy or possessiveness for example. As you know, when we suffocate in our relationship and the other invades our entire space, freedom and fulfillment become complicated. Don’t forget to give your spouse some freedom, let him live his life! If you live in fear that he will deceive you, he will eventually do so or leave you! Man or woman, if we want to cheat on our spouse, we can do it at any time! Whether it’s day or night! Do you think that forbidding your friend to go drinking with his friends will allow you to always keep him close to you? Well, no. He will just be frustrated and will want to be away from you.
- A divergent vision of the future
When one wants to travel in a backpack around the world and the other wants children and enjoy a cozy nest with Bobby, the family dog… Inevitably, there is like a malaise in the air. One of the two will have to make concessions for the other and therefore, will be frustrated and unhappy in the marital relationship. Talk about it before you get married to avoid unpleasant surprises of the genre. (13%)
Causes of divorce
- Incompatibility
Some people realize, only after marriage, that they are not compatible in love. Be careful, the difference is not a brake. On the other hand, a vision of the couple, of life, or of different values, can be detrimental to the good understanding. (13%)
- Money:
Financial problems can unfortunately overcome a couple. We often encounter this problem in the restaurant industry, for example, when a couple goes into debt in a business, which, a priori, should make them even happier… And that in the end, the business of love does not work… It’s the cata! (12%)
- The work:
When the other person works too much (or not enough), doesn’t have enough time to devote to family life (or doesn’t do anything with their days), it can lead, too, to divorce. (12%)
- In-laws: Causes of divorce
As surprising as it is, 11% of respondents point to their in-laws as the main cause of their divorce. In-laws too intrusive, too critical, in-laws who do not accept the religion of the other… Be careful, sound the alarm in time!
- Marriage too early:
Sometimes fusional and in the middle of the passion phase, the two partners decide, too soon, to get married! Yes but… When we have not yet lived together, we only know the qualities of the other and we know neither his real rhythm of life, nor his character in intimacy … It often goes wrong! (9%)
- The political orientation:
For 8% of respondents, political ideas can be a real obstacle to the love of others. Because politics often says a lot about you and your values. Which would be a bit like “incompatibility”.
Marriage is a beautiful symbol, but you still have to know yourself well before embarking on the adventure! That being said, married or not, these causes are valid for all couples!