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Nails are an important part of our body, they protect the tips of the fingers and help us to carry out different activities of the day to day. In addition, it affects the self-esteem of many people. For these reasons, it is very important to take care of the health of your nails to keep them strong, beautiful and avoid problems such as infections, brittle or weakened nails.

Keep nails clean and dry


Keeping nails clean and dry is key to preventing the buildup of dirt and bacteria that can cause infections. And the best part is that it’s relatively simple to do. It’s important to wash your hands regularly, and don’t forget to dry your nails well, as excessive moisture can weaken your nails and even increase your chances of getting fungal infections.

Cut your nails regularly

Trimming your nails regularly is another important step in keeping your nails healthy and preventing breakage and infection. The cut should be done in a smooth, straight shape to prevent ingrown nails. Also, it’s important to use a suitable and clean nail clipper to avoid contamination.

Avoid biting your nails


Nail biting is a very common habit, but it can cause many problems such as nail weakening, infections and damage to the skin around the nails. To avoid this habit, some strategies you can use are to keep your hands busy with other activities, such as drawing or knitting, and also invest in doing your hands, so the chances of biting your nails decrease, helping your nails look beautiful and strong.

Wear gloves when performing activities that could damage nails

Some activities can damage your nails, such as washing dishes or using chemical cleaners. very often and without protection. To avoid this problem, it is important to wear gloves when performing these activities, to protect your nails and also the skin on your hands.

The right habits can transform your nails. (Photo: Reproduction/Salão Nix)

Maintain a healthy and balanced diet


We know well that a healthy life, with good water intake, nutrient-rich food and regular practice of physical exercises, works miracles and wonders for our physical appearance. And with the nails it is no different, a healthy and balanced diet is essential to maintain the health and healthy appearance of the nails. Some important nutrients include protein, vitamins, and minerals like biotin, iron, and zinc that help strengthen your nails. Some foods rich in these nutrients include meat, eggs, legumes, greens and fruits.

Moisturize your hands and nails with a specific cream

Moisturizing your hands and nails can prevent dryness and improve the appearance of healthy nails. For this, invest in a specific moisturizing cream for hands and nails, which contains ingredients such as urea, panthenol and glycerin. These ingredients help keep your nails moist and prevent weakening.

Say goodbye to excessive use of nail polishes and removers


Excessive use of nail polish and nail polish remover can weaken nails and cause dryness. So it’s good to let your nails “breathe” a little from time to time, avoiding always having this type of product.

Featured photo: Healthy nails. (Reproduction/IG Delas)

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