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Learning to manage jealousy

Some people will consider jealousy as a proof of love while others will think that it is a defect. Anyway, you have to manage it otherwise you risk jeopardizing your romantic relationship. Jealousy can become an obsession that obscures our daily lives and prevents us from living the life of our dreams. This is called, sickly jealousy. In this article, learning to manage your jealousy will become a breeze thanks to the 5 exercises that we present to you.

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1st exercise to learn how to manage your jealousy: Understanding to move forward

You are aware that jealousy is part of your life but you do not know how to manage it? You have to understand what’s in you to be able to move forward and change.


Take a notebook and answer the questions below:

Learning to manage jealousy

  1. How long have I been jealous?
  2. How does my jealousy manifest itself?
  3. Is this for me a quality or a defect?
  4. Does it block me in my romantic relationships?
  5. How can it be controlled and limited?

The answer to the questions will open a new path to understanding how you work. You will realize the importance it can have in your daily life. It’s important to know how you feel and what you want to change. You can also take a look at our article that explains where love jealousy comes from.

Exercise 2: Confronting reality

The second exercise will ask you to confront reality by talking to your partner. It is important to have a good couple communication and a constructive discussion on the subject in order to be able to evolve. Is your jealousy a burden on the person you love? Is it a quality? It is time to know exactly what it is all about!

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Here is a series of questions that will help you open the dialogue:

Learning to manage jealousy

  1. Do you feel that my jealousy is taking up too much space in the relationship?
  1. Does it make you suffer?
  2. How can I improve?
  3. Could you help me change?
  4. What would be the first action I could take to change the situation?

By being able to speak and verbalize you will be able to work together to improve your relationship. You will progress and change to improve your romantic relationship. You will learn to confront reality, YOUR reality and the deep meaning of your jealousy. Is it a lack? a desire? a spirit? You have to understand to change.

3rd exercise to learn how to manage your jealousy: Act and change

Now you are going to draw up an action plan to come face to face reality. You will have taken the time to talk to your partner in order to have a clear and realistic vision of the situation.

I advise you to take an agenda and schedule an “anti-jealousy” action per week in order to progress quickly.

Below are examples of actions for real improvement

Learning to manage jealousy

  1. Let my lover out without me
  2. Do not send him more than one sms per hour when he /she is outside
  3. Organize a party at home with all our friends
  4. Accept that my lover can have friends
  5. Getting to know those around you without making judgments of jealousy
  6. When my lover goes out, I take the opportunity to do the same and have fun.
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You will realize that your jealousy will eventually crumble over time. Take a moment to realize that you are on the path to happiness: keep going! Jealousy comes from a lack of self-love so learn to respect and love yourselfIf you don’t like yourself, no one will be able to do it for you.

4th exercise to manage your jealousy: I’m getting better

You will resume your first 4 exercises and make a synthesis in order to highlight the areas of improvement. You will devote the 30 days that come to progress to make jealousy an old memory.


In order to help you move forward, you will find questions that will help you:

  1. What was easy in my exercises? What for?
  1. What were my difficulties? What for?
  2. What’s blocking? What’s stopping me from moving 100% forward?
  3. What are my 3 upcoming goals?

Learning to Manage Jealousy: Conclusion

You will make sure to change your way of seeing and understanding the couple. If you follow the exercises advised in this article, you will improve your relationship and live a harmonious romantic relationship. As you may have read in this article, learning to manage one’s jealousy is possible if we give ourselves the means to understand what is happening in our couple and what inhabits us inwardly. But also and above all, to implement concrete practical exercises to learn how to manage one’s jealousy until it becomes a bad memory.

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