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friendship when you’re in a relationship

Friendship between men and women when you are in a relationship can be a problem. Many readers have already come to me saying “my husband is all the time with his best friend it drives me crazy”. Or “My darling has a lot of friends guys and I don’t know how to take it”. Jealousy can therefore very quickly happen when there is a male-female friendship while we are in a relationship.


Does male-female friendship really exist? (friendship when you’re in a relationship)

This is a question that many are asking and yet the answer seems, a priori, simple: Yes.


Why would male-female friendship be different from others? In reality, that is not the point. If we were talking about a homosexual couple, for example, we would not ask the same question in the same way.

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To be because his girlfriend is dating other men is to assume that everyone is interested. However, this is not the case. We all have our criteria, our requirements, our desires. Just because we have friends who are men, just like our guy, doesn’t mean we’re going to be interested in them. Otherwise, there would be no more singles on earth!

Male-female friendship: What is the real situation? (friendship when you’re in a relationship)

Despite this, I have been able to discover over the years, through my own experience and thanks to the testimonies of many of you, that behind this male-female friendship there is a sad observation.

It is not a general truth that I am going to state here but, as I said, an observation. I have noticed that generally, women who meet men often want to become their friend. While men think, in 80% of cases, that they will have a chance. Even if they do not say so, even if they suggest that they too only want a friendship, very often they will try to see if they cannot go further at some point.


Another observation:

Childhood friendships that date back a long time are different. Most of the time, these friends are seen as brothers or sisters, asexual beings. While the friendly relations forged late are more conducive to the ambiguity of one or the other.

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Male-female friendship when you’re in a relationship

Two things can be difficult to bear as a couple: (friendship when you’re in a relationship)

1/ If one of the two partners has a best friend that he /she sees regularly.

Indeed, it can give the impression to the other that he does not have his role of confidant (almost primordial role in the couple). One can also get the impression that the other prefers to spend time somewhere else, with another woman, another man. It would bother us less if it were with his group of friends, but here it is a woman (or a man) that it is. And so we can be afraid that it will go off the rails.

2/ If one of the two partners has just become friends with a new person. (friendship when you’re in a relationship)

There, we are no longer on “the long-time friend that I love”. So we can really see a danger: “Why does he need to make new friendships? Should I be worried …? »


If you are the person who has friends of the “opposite sex”:

Ask yourself the question: would I mind if my darling did the same?

Indeed, as we always say: we must not do to the other what we would not like him to do to us.

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However, if for you this friendship has no ambiguity and, therefore, it would not bother you at all that your partner has the same with one or more people, it is because you are in a healthy relationship.

If your darling has friendships that make you jealous.

Talk about it, calmly explain things to him. Write him a letter, explain why it makes you Why you have doubts.


Do not make drama and crisis of jealousy, you will make him (the) flee to his that bother you so rightly!

Communication in the couple must be serene and constructive, otherwise it serves absolutely no purpose.

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