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Migraines and Other Headaches – Headaches are one of the most common complaints in medical care. They can be divided into two large groups: primary and secondary headaches. It is essential to recognize this division, as it allows the investigation and treatment of headache to be carried out correctly.

Migraines and Other Headaches

Primary headaches result from dysfunctions in pain control in the cranial region. In this group, we find two main types of headache: migraine and tension headache. Migraine is an intense pain that tends to last more than four hours, it usually happens in the middle of the skull, it is pulsating (throbbing), it gets worse with physical exertion, it is accompanied by nausea or vomiting and there is an aversion to noises or light.
Tension headache, on the contrary, is a less intense pain that can even improve with physical activity, involving the skull as if it were a “tight hat”, being therefore oppressive, without nausea or vomiting and without aversion to light or noises.
Primary headaches usually do not represent a greater risk and can be correctly diagnosed and treated by a qualified physician, who will define the best treatment for headache episodes and for the prevention of future crises, through treatment with prophylactic drugs ( preventive). In this way, it is possible to avoid the risks arising from treatments that are not suitable for the headache problem, considering here the risks of self-medication, mainly due to the abusive use of analgesics and anti-inflammatories, among others.
Secondary headaches, in turn, are more dangerous, as they result from potential injuries to structures related to the sensitivity of the skull, both internally and externally. Meningitis, brain tumors and brain hemorrhages, among others, can be the cause of this type of headache and can even pose a risk to life.
But, how is it possible to know if the headache is a primary or secondary headache, so that the necessary medical evaluation can be sought as soon as possible? The main thing is to recognize the characteristics of secondary headache, because if they are present, it becomes necessary to seek medical support. The following elements suggest the possibility of a secondary headache:
    • Waking up at night with a headache;
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    • Being over 50 years old and starting to get a headache that you didn’t have before;
    • Headaches that start suddenly;
    • Headaches accompanied by other neurological symptoms (loss of muscle strength, numbness, imbalance, etc.);
    • Presence of fever associated with headache;
    • Headaches that evolve with progressive worsening.
  If any of the above symptoms are associated with a headache, or others that may cause concern, it is always recommended to seek medical attention, so that the necessary tests such as Cranial Tomography or Brain Magnetic Resonance are carried out, to investigate and correctly treat the headache. cause of the problem. Featured Photo: Playback

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Migraines and Other Headaches

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