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Facial Rejuvenation Technology – MD Codes is a minimally invasive technique for facial rejuvenation and support that consists of applying a filler based on hyaluronic acid. It aims to correct details and promote facial harmony, always respecting the shape and particularities of each face.

Facial Rejuvenation Technology

It was created by a renowned Brazilian physician known worldwide. The technique was developed to be used in facial filling, coding several specific points of the face and applying hyaluronic acid for an immediate lifting and providing facial rejuvenation. From this scenario, MD Codes began to be studied and commented on by many researchers, physicians and scientists around the world.

What are MD Codes?

The Specialist in Facial Harmonization and Biomedical Esthete, Dr. Denise Santana explains that the MD Codes are a series of points, represented by letters and numbers, which guide treatments with facial filling as a whole, providing rejuvenation and volume, giving the patient back a youthful, more beautiful and natural face. The places where the technique is most used are points on the cheekbones, Chinese mustache, chin, dark circles, jaw and lips.


How is treatment with MD Codes done?

This treatment is ideal for reversing the effects of facial aging, balancing bone absorption and areas of fat loss.

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“In this treatment, the Belle Harmony Clínica de Estética Avançada team performs an initial assessment of the entire face of the patient and thus correctly identifies the points in each region of the face that must be filled with hyaluronic acid.” Comment Dr. Denise Santana.

The identification of asymmetric points is necessary to adjust imperfections and restore the contour of the desired regions, offering the patient a readily visible lifting result.


The procedure with MD Codes is very simple and fast, the patient can return to their activities 30 minutes after the application. The results can be noticed right after the applications.

For each treatment, the amount of filler differs, as each product is specific to a specific area of ​​the body. For the volume of apples, for example, there is a specific classification in relation to the density of the product. For lip augmentation or wrinkle reduction, there is another type of hyaluronic acid.

So, the classification of the filler has variations, as some classifications are for a more silky and malleable product and others need to provoke a better sensation of filling and firmness, and so on, depending on the area to be applied and the expected result. Why is the MD Codes technique more effective? The Codes are not just looking for specific results, but for the whole, complete Facial Harmonization. It is a treatment tailored to the patient. It helps the patient to understand the reason for his treatment, as he himself points out the areas that need the procedure and with this data the qualified professional can show the ideal points for his treatment.

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MD Codes offer us a clear and precise approach to help patients achieve their desired goals and also the possibility of improving a part of the face by treating regions near or far from the area to be corrected.


“Therefore, it is important to seek a qualified professional to perform this procedure. He will know how to assess your skin type and needs, indicating the best treatment for you. In addition, a qualified professional will also be able to guide you on the care you should have after the procedure, ensuring the best results.” Finishes Dr. Denise Santana.

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Facial Rejuvenation Technology
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