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signs of a man who wants to breakup

What do we recognize a man who wants to break up? Are there any concrete, blatant signs of his wish to leave you? A man who wants to break up is a man who becomes distant, in many ways. And by taking this distance from you, your partner sends you the message that he wants to leave you, only he is afraid of your reaction or taking on the wrong role.

By behaving in this way, he wants to make himself feel guilty or let things drag on. In concrete terms, how does this translate? What are the daily behaviors of a man who wants to break up? The following 12 signs are indicative of this process, which is a harbinger of a future rupture.

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Behaviors of a man who wants to break: the 12 signs

It is often said that one of the main characteristics of a man is that he keeps everything to himself. A man would have a hard time expressing his feelings, talking, confiding. And so, he would shut himself up when there is a problem and his behaviors would be clumsy, cowardly or sometimes disrespectful. What for? Out of fear or inability to take things on board. Is this true in the case of a separation?

signs of a man who wants to breakup

#1 It gives less news

First sign, easy to see, it gives you less news, is less eager to write to you, call you, see you. Gone are the days of cute messages and calls that last, now he barely answers you, calls you every other time, gives you a short answer, without emotions. He is no longer at the initiative of calls or messages and it even happens that he does not answer you!

#2 Emotional distance

It is also distant when you are together, from an emotional point of view. It’s quiet and you feel like you’re talking with a stranger or staying on the surface. Or he doesn’t listen to you anymore and he never remembers what you said. You’re not so close anymore, he doesn’t talk about what matters anymore. Besides, you have noticed if you live together, that he comes back later and later, that he is distracted, absent,always tired,elsewhere, little concerned.

#3 A lack of attention: one of the behaviors of a man who wants to break

You realize that he is no longer attentive to you, to what you feel, to your couple. He is no longer interested in you and he no longer seeks to please you. The little love attentions have disappeared. The sweet words, the kisses, but also everything that makes the complicity of a couple disappear little by little. As we know, attentions and proofs of lovare essential in a couple. By losing them, he shows his distance from you.


signs of a man who wants to breakup

#4 His social life is done without you

Even if you each keep on your own your independence and your privileged moments with your friends, you obviously share as a couple outings and common activities. Circle of friends, family, colleagues, you know them. But for some time now, that has changed. It avoids proposing or sharing activities with you, it excludes you from its outings and projects. It is alone that he sees people, as if he needed to breathe, to spend much more time without you or that he no longer wanted to include you in his social life.

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In addition, it happened to him recently, at the last minute, that he cancels an outing with you. In fact, with others, he is active, but not with you. You no longer spend evenings in love, around a dinner or at the cinema or moments with family or friends. He builds a social life as if he were single.

#5 Physical distancing is one of the blatant behaviours of a man who wants to break up

Whereas before you were physically close and he was rather tactile with you, today this is no longer the case. Indeed, when you are together, sitting on the sofa for example, it no longer sits near you. With friends, he will not try to stay next to you or send you small gestures of tenderness. He no longer kisses you as before, no longer takes your hand, no longer hugs you. 

Your intimate life is not like before, you no longer make love or almost. He no longer shows desire, he has become cold and distant. The physical distance, the decrease in desire in the couple is then as obvious as the lack of communication between you.


#6 Its priorities have changed

This is difficult to admit and yet, everything suggests in his behavior that your couple is no longer his priority. He no longer considers you important in his life, he seems to have other desires and other projects. It’s as if your paths become parallel. Everything takes you away and it doesn’t seem to worry him; he builds his life without taking into account your couple.

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Either he takes your couple for granted and you just have to follow or he will move forward without you, or he puts you in the last place in his list of priorities. It is obvious that you are no longer the center of the world for him, that you are no longer his priority and that he aspires to something else.

signs of a man who wants to breakup

#7 Behaviors of a man who wants to break: He criticizes you

Lately, not only does it avoid you but it also questions everything you say or do. Nothing suits him, it’s as if you’re doing everything wrong and he can’t find anything good in you anymore: your behavior, your way of dressing, your interests. It denigrates you, criticizes you, belittles you, in short there is nothing positive in your communication and your exchanges.

Besides, talking to you seems to cost him an effort, it is as if you see him has become unbearable. And yet you didn’t say anything or did anything special to put him out of it. If it becomes undrinkable or even nasty, this is not acceptable.


8 It pushes you to the limit

In fact, he does not just criticize you, he does everything so that you lose your calm to push you to break up precisely. Making you lose patience, disappoint you or distance yourself is a way to show your distance but without taking responsibility for a clear and assumed decision. Unable to break up on his own, he can continually seek arguments hoping that you decide to end the relationship. But why is it so difficult for him to tell you that he wants to leave you? Fear, procrastination, cowardice, guilt, several reasons can explain it.

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#9 It has become a ghost: his absences are behaviors of a man who wants to break

For some time now, he has been leaving for work before you without saying goodbye. In the evening, he returns later and later, claiming long meetings at work or appointments with his friends. The worst thing about this situation is that you can no longer communicate, because sir is never there. You live with a ghost, a draft that takes the house for a hotel and absolutely no longer cares about you and your couple. It’s as if he’s given up the game, he lets you deal with your questions and doubts, the escape is easier for him.

#10 He dies

Worse still, he doesn’t just leave very early or return very late: no, he’s dying… Initially, he finds excuses not to return in the evening: a business trip, an evening too watered at a friend’s house… But as time goes on, it’s become recurring and on top of that, it doesn’t tell you clearly where he’s going and who he’s with when he’s out. This is obviously a bad sign and subject to several interpretations. He no longer wants an intimate relationship with you, he deceives you, he is looking for a way out? You have time to consider the worst while he, does not take his responsibilities and leaves you plagued by doubt and ignorance.

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#11 Future projects with you, it no longer interests him

signs of a man who wants to breakup

Before, you loved to talk about your future together, how many children you would have, how many children you would have, how much of a house you would buy… Or just your next vacation or the weekend to come. But now it’s over, it doesn’t seem to interest him anymore, he remains very vague while avoiding making promises to you, and you can see that he is fleeing any project for a common future with you. In fact, he no longer projects himself with you and he therefore does everything to avoid these kinds of subjects so as not to lie to you, make you hope or have to tell you the truth. He saves time, not yet knowing when or how to leave.


#12 He wants to take a break (signs of a man who wants to breakup)

On the other hand, he has decided to make a decision and he asks you to take a break. Of course, this is not yet a definitive break. He says he needs to think, to take a step back, to know where he is and what he still feels or not for you. A break in the couple is not necessarily synonymous with a definitive break and it happens that the recoupling works. That said, we must still bear in mind that this can be an excuse or a pretext to leave through the back door leaving hope for never returning.

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