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Make a man talk about his feelings

How to find the complicity of the beginnings in his couple?

Over time, the couple relationship changes. We move away, we communicate less, we get angry. Yet we still love ourselves… So how to put your couple back on track and find the complicity and laughter that made us fall in love?
Living better for two
It is often said that men find it more difficult to express their feelings than women. Less talkative, less inclined to confide, to spread, they do not necessarily feel the need to put words on what they feel. For them, speech is a way to make themselves understood and not to express feelings. Faced with the silence of your partner, you sometimes doubt his feelings, or even your story. This creates situations that are emotionally difficult to manage. Yet that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel anything. How do you make a man talk about his feelings?

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How do you make a man talk about his feelings?

Despite the evolution of mentalities,the image of the man who never reveals his feelings has remained anchored in the consciences. For many, it is still an act of weakness hindering male virility. Victims of the ancestral heritage that “a man is strong, it does not cry”, your man has simply not learned to express his emotions, his feelings. On the contrary, it has been accustomed to always remain in control.

Deeds rather than words
Clumsy, modest, men have a hard time openly expressing their feelings. And besides their inability to express themselves, they do not use the same words and interpret situations in different ways. Man is more in action than in speech. Behind his innuendo, one must succeed in decoding one’s real feelings.


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Thus, many women find themselves confronted with men who have difficulty confiding in themselves and expressing their feelings. If you are in this situation, here are some tips to help your man tell you more about his emotions.

How do you make a man talk about his feelings?

The key element: time

Give it time. This is the sine qua non for him to open his heart. If not all men need it, on the other hand all men who have difficulty talking about their feelings need to have some time to indulge. If, obviously, it is not a question of letting months and months pass without any words, it is necessary to leave time to time according to the evolution of vote relationship. Do not rush it,and let time do its work. The more confident he feels, the less he will feel the need to keep his emotions buried.


Indeed, the best way to lock your companion in his silence is to rush him. Your most beautiful weapon will be patience,so, operate especially smoothly and do not put pressure on it. Do not try to force him to talk to you or give him an ultimatum,because this is really not the right way to achieve your ends. Move forward with him step by step, favor the moments of well-being for two in order to make him aware of his feelings for you before revealing them to you. When that day comes, you will be all the happier.

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Accept how it works (Make a man talk about his feelings)

How can you ensure that it finally opens up to you? If, like many, the man with whom you are is more in action than in expression, you must learn to understand his actions. Indeed, what he does in relation to you and your relationship may have a symbolic significance that you must recognize.

Indeed, where you seek affection, understanding with your partner, thinks he is judged on his results. It’s very masculine to be in this logic of performance and not in the emotional register. Thanks to your understanding, it will settle into your relationship and feel comfortable there. Enough to push him to say his feelings.

Nurturing a certain admiration

Faced with the doubts and anxieties that he may feel but that he does not always allow himself to show, a man who feels admired will gradually succeed in allaying his fears and investing fully in his relationship. He needs recognition in his actions. He needs to know that it is he who makes you happy. So feel free to let him know as often as possible, but with subtlety. Reassure him about what he represents, hewill question less the existence of the couple.


To let him know, nothing better than a well-turned compliment,all in subtlety and sincere. It is not a question of putting it on a pedestal, but it is important to be proud of the person who shares his life, reciprocally, and to stimulate the other by showing his pride and admiration. It is a way to feel loved and therefore also reveal your feelings.

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How do you make a man talk about his feelings? Put him in confidence

As with time, trust is a key element for a man to dare to reveal his feelings. To help your darling to externalize,you must also know how to indulge yourself. Reciprocity is, of course, at the centre of everything.

Talk to him about your needs, your weaknesses to show him that he, too, has the right to be vulnerable and that you do not expect him to be a strong and manly manly man all the time. Then ask him questions, about his past for example and listen carefully. You must be able to identify why he refuses to dwell on his feelings in order to adapt your speech and your behavior to succeed in making him express himself. To break the deadlock of unspoken feelings, reassure them by sharing with them the strength of the feelings you feel for them. To encourage him to reveal himself, use small loving touches,such as for example, small words of love, because this will push him to answer you and talk about his feelings.

Conclusion: Make a man talk about his feelings

Once trust is established, you have given him time and space, you have understood and reassured him, it will be time, gently, to tell him that you too need to be reassured. And that it goes through the word too, by the words that we put on our emotions, by the feelings that we externalize. Because the fact that he never expresses his emotions to you could end up making you doubt. Obviously, it is not a question of emotional blackmail or asking an ultimatum, but of balancing the relationship once the taming phase has passed. Making a man talk about his feelings is not always obvious but not impossible!


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