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How to clean burnt pans – As much as your pan is badly burned underneath and you’ve given up hope of removing that black coating, there’s no burnt pan that can’t be saved with the power of baking soda and a little vinegar cleaner. your favorite pan in no time. Go ahead!

How to clean burnt pans


Using inappropriate products or very abrasive sponges is not the best option to remove stuck residues that do not come off with conventional detergent. Therefore, before mistreating our pans, it is advisable that you read these homemade methods that will help to leave them spotless in a matter of minutes. Take notes and don’t miss any details. Homemade methods, such as baking soda, are much less abrasive products that will help remove what just doesn’t come off with a conventional detergent. Also, when baking soda is combined with an acid such as vinegar or lemon juice it creates a fizzy reaction that helps loosen even the toughest pan burns. So, before you mistreat your pans, try this equally effective method.
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Whether you’ve had a culinary accident or your pan is very dirty and burnt over time, at some point you’ll have to carry out an intensive cleaning. And for that, the faster the better!

Follow the steps below:

Gather the necessary materials: vinegar, baking soda, a container, a spoon and a sponge. Gloves can never be missing! Pour a few tablespoons of baking soda into the bowl along with a tablespoon of vinegar. Due to the chemical reaction, you will hear a fizzing sound, produced when vinegar mixes with baking soda. Mix well until it forms a thick paste. Spread the dough with the help of the spoon on the bottom of the pan and on the parts that are black. With the help of a sponge or soft mop, scrub well until the burnt on the pan disappears. Then rinse and wash normally. And ready! You can repeat this process as many times as necessary.

Clean a pan with baking soda, vinegar and lemon

Baking soda, white vinegar, and lemon juice are the perfect team to cut through the mess. Therefore, you can add the extra ingredient of lemon juice to clean (even better) burnt pans. The method is very similar! First, sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of the pan. Then take half a lemon and rub it well over the entire surface. Rub well for a few minutes until the pan gradually returns to its original color. If you find it necessary, you can add a little vinegar and repeat the process. Even the toughest stains will disappear
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Potatoes and coarse salt

It may seem strange to you, but it is possible to clean a burnt pan with a potato and coarse salt. It is a combination of 100% natural exfoliating ingredients that, thanks to its texture, removes stickiness without damaging the surface of the cookware. The ingredients needed to enjoy this trick are a raw potato, a tablespoon of coarse salt (10 grams) and a teaspoon of olive oil (5 grams). When you have everything ready, just follow these instructions: To start, cut the potato in half. Then rinse the pan and remove as much of the stuck-on bits as you can. Then it’s time to sprinkle the thick salt on the surface of the pan. Now, instead of scrubbing with a sponge, do it with the cut potato. Rub on the surface for a few minutes making circular movements. Then remove the debris with water. To finish, pour the teaspoon of olive oil and spread it over the entire surface to protect your pans.

Coarse salt and aluminum foil

This trick is recommended for cleaning a burnt pan, especially a cast iron pan. Its use does not wear the surface and allows the removal of food residues that get stuck over time. It’s very simple and you only need a tablespoon of coarse salt (10 grams) and a piece of aluminum foil. If you’ve already prepared it, these are the instructions you should follow to leave your frying pan spotless:
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The first thing you will have to do is sprinkle the tablespoon of salt on the surface of the pan. Then roll the aluminum foil into a ball and use it to rub the burned areas until the foil turns dark. Finally, rinse and wash in your usual dishwasher.

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How to clean burnt pans
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