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relationship is unhealthy

A healthy and balanced relationship requires patience, investment and concessions, as well as a lot of communication from both parties! There are a number of signs that prove that your relationship is unhealthy.

We have identified 7 of them. So if you recognize yourself, it’s time to react and do something before your relationship suffers definitively!

1/ A lack of communication

Communication is the key to any good, healthy and lasting #relationship. Even during your arguments it remains essential! The lack of communication can be found in many forms: it ranges from not communicating enough regularly about the little things you experience in your daily life, to the lack of #communication about important events and things. (relationship is unhealthy)


In any case it is important to remedy it quickly! Share, exchange, discover!

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2/ Too much distance in your #couple

Distance is important and necessary for any good relationship: it is essential to let you both breathe, to take time for yourself. However, if the distance increases, or the frequency of your absences increases, then be sure that something is wrong! Try to find out what is causing it, and to discern if things should not stop there for both of you.

3/ No commonalities (relationship is unhealthy)

Yes, opposites attract, and difference is a wealth in a relationship. And you certainly don’t have to go out with the male/female version of yourself… But having common interests can provide a solid foundation for your relationship! And it becomes difficult to hold in the long term when there are few or almost no centers of interest, nor shared values…

Especially at the level of your conversations which will quickly become sterile or conflictual!


4/ A lack of passion

The loss of passion, or its total absence, is a sign that your relationship is doing badly on a sentimental level! No more romance, you no longer maintain the flame of your love? This can usually happen over time. (relationship is unhealthy)

Indeed, when the relationship is prolonged in the long term, it becomes difficult to maintain the passion of the beginnings. And yet it is important to maintain it at the risk of seeing your relationship get cogged down in a destructive routine for your love in the long run.

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Be careful, we don’t have to love each other passionately all the time! After 15 years of living together, we are not going to jump into each other’s arms when we return in the evening. But a small flame from time to time is important for the good understanding of the couple!

5/ A loss of motivation

Your relationship is irretrievably brought to failure if one of you (or both!) loses all the motivation to move your relationship forward, in its ups and downs. (relationship is unhealthy)


We recognize the loss of motivation when even the simplest things seem difficult to do… Or worse, a real waste of time! So if so, remember that these efforts are worth it and are necessary if you want your relationship to continue to progress and last over time.

6/ You lock yourself into sterile debates

Arguing in a healthy way is possible! This means listening to what your other half has to say to you, and respecting their opinion which may differ from yours.

But it becomes unhealthy as soon as you stop listening to each other, and you stick to your positions. Yet all relationships are made of compromises! Because a relationship focuses on the needs and desires of the two people who make up the couple!

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7/ A lack of respect (relationship is unhealthy)

Respect is the pillar of any true good relationship (with, of course, trust). And this, from the first day of the relationship until its last. It doesn’t have to be something that gets lost over time! Disrespect can range from a lack of listening and consideration for the other’s opinions, to a lack of evidence of love and kindness.


Do you lack respect and consideration for your other half? Or conversely, he/she disrespects you? If so, it’s definitely a sign that something is wrong with your relationship.


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